FCA Committees

The FCA has a variety of active committees that play a vital role in making sure that Fairmount is one of the strongest, most vibrant neighborhoods in the city. For committees using email, feel free to e-mail directly. Then become a member and get involved!

Activities. Organizes FCA events, trips, and social gatherings for members and neighborhood residents.

Crime and Safety. The Crime and Safety Committee disseminates information on crime in Fairmount via its relationship with both the 9th Police District and the 22nd Police District. Representatives from the FCA attend monthly 9th district and 22nd district PDAC (Police District Advisory Committee) meetings at which community needs and neighborhood crime patterns are discussed.

* Education. The FCA’s Education Committee works with Fairmount parents, children, and local schools to provide the best possible educational opportunities.

* Membership. The Membership Committee works to encourage the residents of Fairmount to join the Civic Association.

* Neighborhood Improvement. The Neighborhood Improvement Committee works to address issues related to neighborhood clean-ups, recycling, gardens, parks, and other green activities.

Parking and Transportation. Parking is always an important issue in our neighborhood and this committee handles issues related to parking as well as issues related to SEPTA, bicycles, car sharing, and other transportation issues in the neighborhood.

* Zoning. The Zoning Committee works to ensure that Fairmount residents have a voice in the development of both residential and commercial properties.

(*-Standing Committee)