Monthly Archives: February 2024

Next FCA Community Meeting – 2/29 at 7pm

Our next Community Meeting is scheduled for February 29, 2024 at the City School 860 N 24th St. Refreshments will be available at 7:00 pm and the meeting will start at 7:30 pm.

Our speaker for February is Eileen Chen from Town Watch Integrated Services presenting on community safety resources.

For the 2/29 meeting we are also Leap Year potluck / community table for refreshments. You can see what other people are bring or sign up for your own dish at this link

Thank you to Donna Bullock for presenting a legislative update at our January meeting. Also thank you to Michael Hill Quartermaster of Parkway VFW Post 7650 for providing refreshments. The VFW Post is looking for veterans who served in foreign wars to join the post. They also have social memberships for non veterans and hold events throughout the year for both veterans and the community. 

Open Positions

The Philadelphia Spring Cleanup is scheduled for 4/6/2024. We don’t currently have a neighborhood improvement chair to run our event. If you are interested in being the chair, running a cleanup event or are part of an organization who wants to partner for the cleanup let us know.

Events in the Neighborhood:

Looking forward to seeing you on 2/29!